Memory Consumption Report | Nutanix Community
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We have PRISM Central Pro license and I’d like a report or Analysis view on which virtual machines are consuming the most memory. The Cluster in question is VMware 6.7. Is this possible and what is the best way to go about it?

Hi @Andrew_uss 

You can create a report with custom fields to include memory and memory usage and sort it by memory usage in descending order. The trouble with that is that memory usage field is in the percentage of the configured memory. So if you’d like to know which VMs consumes the most GB of RAM you’d have to export that report as CSV and add a column with calculations.

You can also look at the cluser efficiency summary report which is a pre-defined report to see what fields you might find useful.

Take a look at the Prism Central Guide: Reports Management for guidance and options available. You can play with the VMs dashboard views to have a more dynamic, quick generated view of the VMs stats which can be exported as a CVS too should you wish.

I guess, the method depends on the final goal too.

Hi Thanks thats worked great!