High Memory Usage for CVMs | Nutanix Community
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Hello everyone,


I have few nutanix cluster, and all the CVMs has memory usage around 65-75% all time which I consider quite high. 


is that normal?



There is an cluster check which will kick in if the cpu usage is to high. Then you can act on it. More info here: https://portal.nutanix.com/page/documents/kbs/details?targetId=kA03200000004zxCAA

  • Controller VM (CVM) CPU utilization for last 60 mins: 95 - 97 % = WARN | last 30 mins: 98 - 100 % = FAIL

So 65-75% is acceptable. 

Usually CVM resources won’t be oversized. However, depend on the features and kind of workload, CVM resources should be increased