I’ve tried to script out bulk creating VM from csv files using PS v2.0 cmdlets.
However, unable to spot how to code the equivalent of ‘Guest Customization’, in particular cloud-init ‘custom script’ for Linux and sysprep ‘Guided Script’ for Windows.
Is this available through Powershell?
#field inputs: ClusterName,Name,NumVcpus,MemoryMb,Description,VmDisks,network,image,ipaddress,osfamily
$VMs = Import-Csv -Path "D:\Projects\Technical\nutanix\import.csv"
#Default values
$NumCoresPerVcpu = 1
$secure_boot = $true
$taskuuid = @()
$VMs | ft
ForEach ($VM in $VMs)
##Storage Section
$ImageId = (Get-Image | ?{$_.name -eq $VM.image}).uuid
$vm_disk_id = (Get-Image $ImageId -IncludeVmDiskId).vm_disk_id
#Create VMDiskAddress
$cloneDiskAddress =New-NutanixObject VMDiskAddress
$cloneDiskAddress.vmdisk_uuid =$vm_disk_id
#Create VMDiskSpecClone
$vmDiskClone =New-NutanixObject VMDiskSpecClone
$vmDiskClone.disk_address =$cloneDiskAddress
#Create VMDisk Object
$vmDisk =New-NutanixObject VMDisk
$vmDisk.is_cdrom =$false
$vmDisk.vm_disk_clone =$vmDiskClone
##Boot section
$boot =New-NutanixObject BootConfig
$boot.uefi_boot =$true
$boot.secure_boot =$secure_boot
$boot.boot_device_type ='DISK'
$boot.disk_address =$vmDisk 0].vm_disk_clone.disk_address
$boot.disk_address.device_index = 0
$boot.disk_address.device_bus ='SCSI'
##Network section
$VMNicSpec = New-NutanixObject VMNicSpec
$VMNicSpec.ip_address = $VM.ipaddress
$VMNicSpec.network_uuid = (Get-Network | ?{$_.name -in $VM.network -and $_.cluster_name -in $VM.ClusterName}).uuid
$VMNicSpec.is_connected = $true
##Guest Customization section
if ($VM.osfamily -eq 'windows')
elseif ($VM.osfamily -eq 'linux')
Write-Warning -Message "OS Family $($VM.osfamily) not supported. skipping..."
##Create section
Write-Output -Message "Creating VM $($VM.Name)"
$taskuuid += (New-VM -ClusterName ($VM.ClusterName) -Name ($VM.name) -NumVcpus ($VM.NumVcpus) -MemoryMb ($VM.MemoryMb) -Description ($VM.Description) -VmDisks $VMDisk -VmNics $VMNicSpec -NumCoresPerVcpu $NumCoresPerVcpu -BootConfig $boot).task_uuid
$task = $true
While ($task)
$task = ($taskuuid | %{Get-Task -TaskId $_ | ?{$_.percentage_complete -ne 100}} ).uuid
'Still executing tasks...'
Start-Sleep -seconds 3
$taskuuid | %{Get-Task -TaskId $_ -IncludeCompleted}
Write-Output 'Task Completed'