Can Affinity Policies in Prism Central be used for Network Function VMs? | Nutanix Community
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Currently when orchestrating the creation of Network Function VMs, I am using a Prism Element V2 REST API to set VM/Host Affinity as instructed by the Nutanix team a few years ago. Is this still what is recommended or can Affinity Policies be used instead? It seems that in order to use Affinity Policy for service chaining each Affinity Policy would need to have 1 VM (the network function VM) and 1 host. 

Yes you can do this. The affinity policies is the way to go in the newer versions and beyond. 


Would there need to be 1 Affinity Policy per Network Function VM/Host for service chaining or is there a more efficient way to handle this? For example, if I have 5 hosts, and I want to set up service chaining on all of them, would I need 5 categories (1 per NFVM) and 5 Affinity Policies? If yes, is there a limit on the number of categories and affinity policies that can be configured?

You need 1 affinity policy per host. Multiple VM's can be assigned (via category) to the policy. But hose vm's will be placed on the same host. 

So in short: 1 Affinity Policy per host.