Creating clusters with Calico | Nutanix Community
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I just upgraded Karbon to 2.1 to gain access to the new support for Calico and was after some tips on how to create a cluster using it for networking.

As I understand Calico can only be used if a cluster is created via API and not web UI. I’m assuming this is just because it didn’t make release and not another reason such as it having any issues or not being production ready? Similarly, are there any known issues currently I should be aware of?

With regards to the POST I need to make to create a cluster, is there some guidance on setting the options under cni_config, specifically the cidr in ip_pool_configs and its relation to pod_ipv4_cidr, service_ipv4_cidr and node_cidr_mask_size.




Read this KB:

That’s great, thanks, I must’ve missed that. I’ll have a read through.


Read this KB: