How does one navigate in the ocean of solutions that are available on the market? What is supported? What is compatible with which hypervisor? Allow us to help! Here is part two of supported backup solutions together with an overview of each.
Top significant functionalities:
Instant Recovery: deliver near-zero RTOs for Hyper-V or vSphere VMs by mounting directly onto Rubrik. No rehydration required.
Global Real-Time Search: search for VMs and files with suggested search results.
API-first Architecture: automate custom lifecycle management workflows that play well with third-party services (i.e. Chef, Puppet, ServiceNow, VMware vRealize Automation).
Customized Analytics: deliver platform analytics across the hybrid cloud on data management, compliance, and capacity utilization with Rubrik Envision. Create and share data visualizations.
Policy-Based Management: use an SLA policy engine to create and automate policies.
Protects NoSQL Databases on Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform.
Supported hypervisors:
Nutanix AHV, VMware ESXi, or Microsoft Hyper-V.
Nutanix platform OS :
Rubrik 4.1.2-p2-2450 is validated on Nutanix AHV (AOS
Resources and getting started:
Datasheet: Cloud Data Management for Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform
Rubrik on Nutanix: NoSQL Databases on Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform
Getting started with free trial: Evaluate Rubrik
Overview of Rubrik: Why Rubrik
Top significant functionalities:
Flexible recovery: Recover the entire virtual machine or vDisk to the original source or other locations.
Prism managed objects: Auto register all AHV vDisk objects. Assign policies to one or all VMs to automate backup and recovery.
Agentless crash and application-consistent snapshots
AHV VMs can be recovered to the original source, to other Nutanix clusters, other networks or other Nutanix data stores
Whole VM, vDisk and file-level recovery options.
Native integration with public cloud providers including Google Cloud Storage Nearline, Microsoft Azure, Amazon S3 and Glacier.
Supported hypervisors:
Nutanix AHV and VMware ESXi
Nutanix platform OS :
Cohesity 6.3.1a is validated with Nutanix AHV ( AOS 5.10.4 )
Resources and getting started:
Datasheet: Simplified Converge Data Protection and Recovery
Getting started: Cohesity DataPlatform
Overview of Cohesity: Modernize Backup and Recovery
Top significant functionalities:
Continuous data replication and recovery.
ZVR (Zerto Virtual Application) hypervisor-based replication solution.
Application consistent backup and recovery.
VPG (Virtual Protection Groups) to replicate and recover complex multi-VM applications.
DR and Backup Converge in one scalable platform.
Supported hypervisors:
VMware ESXi and Hyper-V
Nutanix platform OS:
Zerto Virtual Replication 6.0 is validated on Hyper-V (AOS
Zerto Virtual Replication 5.0 Update 2 is validated on ESXi (AOS 5)
Resources and Getting Started:
Datasheet: What's New in Zerto
Getting started and trial: Try Zerto
Overview of Zerto: Zerto 8.0: IT Resilience Everywhere