Removal of orphaned snapshots | Nutanix Community
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Trying the veeam AHV appliance, i had a crash whilst taking a backup

now am left with orphaned snapshots on a PAID ACCOUNT, and nutanix sends the ball to veeam back to nutanix, so here i am

Protection Domain DP-QC-3 has 3 aged third-party backup snapshot(s) and may unnecessarily consume storage space in the cluster.

i have a multitude of these and want to manually remove those snapshots, is there a process for this ?
Hi @tbcconstruction

I see you posted this in the community edition (CE) forum. Are you using CE with the Veeam appliance or the commercial version of Nutanix? Let me know 👍
Thread with steps how to remove orphaned snapshots:
commercial both
Protection Domain DP-QC-3 has 3 aged third-party backup snapshot(s) and may unnecessarily consume storage space in the cluster.

Protection Domain DP-QC-2 has 5 aged third-party backup snapshot(s) and may unnecessarily consume storage space in the cluster.

Protection Domain DP-QC-1 has 6 aged third-party backup snapshot(s) and may unnecessarily consume storage space in the cluster.

Protection Domain Dp-QC-4 has 1 aged third-party backup snapshot(s) and may unnecessarily consume storage space in the cluster.

so its not snapshots but third party ones ill try the same solution to try to ident
Thanks @tbcconstruction

Looks like you posted this in the community edition (CE) forum, I'll move it to the backup and recovery forum. Also check out this post - [HowTo] I'm new here, how do I get started? Give you a sense of the landscape. Thanks 👍
Did the post from @Primzy help?
Hi @tbcconstruction

Do you have a Veeam support case #? You can private message me and I can help push this along. Thanks
Hi @tbcconstruction

Do you have a Veeam support case #? You can private message me and I can help push this along. Thanks

just got an answer they will get back to me wednesday...
Thanks @tbcconstruction

Be great if you could also add the solution to this thread for others to follow when you hear smothing. 👍
will do

get all vm uuids

grab snapshots with thos in mind.. with api

curl -u "admin" -k -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"filter":"entity_uuid==UUIDHERE","kind":"vm_snapshot"}' '

find one with furthest date or to delete and use api to delete.

curl -u admin -k -X DELETE --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' '

Cant find the aged third party snapshots using this method. Any hints about how to get a list of these snapshots?