NCAP 5.5 exam and free test voucher disappeared | Nutanix Community
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I have issue with my account. when i tried to take an exam, i didn’t see my exam schedule and my free exam voucher. Right now i am not eligible to take the NCAP 5.5 exam (i Have NCP 5.5 certification). 

Scheduled exam:



Please reach out to for a help on your account

NCP 5.5 is already expired, please contact, please do check email from PSI stating scheduled exam expiry and offer to reschedule. Exam Voucher will be reissued incase of cancellation or fee will be refunded. 

Reach out PSI.Nutanix using the mail they are having issues now with the identity module, they will be sending you en email asking for a phone number and a shift available to call you.