NCA 5.15 Beta exam - Waiting for Results | Nutanix Community
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I gave this exam and was told that results would be sent over email, I haven’t received the results yet, can anyone guide me here?

Results will go out in early December when the exam goes live.

Still had no result about it, :sweat_smile:  early December is already here

There’s Early and then there’s “early”  :sunglasses:

I’m waiting to get them from the vendor but it might not be until this Friday (12/11).  The original plan was last week but it got bumped.


Still had no result about it, :sweat_smile:  early december is allready here

Contact They can help you to figure it out. 

Results just went out.  Let me know if you didn’t get the email.

Results just went out.  Let me know if you didn’t get the email.

Just got my results. Passed :) 

me to, passed

There’s Early and then there’s “early”  :sunglasses:

I’m waiting to get them from the vendor but it might not be until this Friday (12/11).  The original plan was last week but it got bumped.


doesn't matter, was just eager to know my scrore ;-)
