IPMI Ports Show "No Connect" In BIOS | Nutanix Community
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A few of the IPMI ports on a new installation (3K and 6K series) show "no connect" in the BIOS. The ones that are working show "Dedicated LAN." Our networking folks have verified the ports as access ports, and are active with the correct VLAN ID configured.

We will be swapping the ports on the switch between the working/non-working IPMI ports to confirm if the issue is on the switch or node side.

Could there be some BIOS settings we may have missed?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
You can try to run ipmitool command from CVM but CVM should have network connectivity with IPMI. You can refer to below mentioned KB link for more details.


After much troubleshooting, it turned out that the IPMIs were tagged under the 802.1q VLAN ID setting. Unfortunately, this isn't too obvious in the IPMI interface when consoled onto the system via a crash cart. We had to run the ipmitool utility in ESXi. Ran "/ipmitool lan print". Instead of showing it as "disabled" it had the VLAN ID instead. Then, we found this blog (and thanks to it) that shows that command to run: http://shanseworld.blogspot.com/2014/09/adding-vlan-id-to-ipmi-address-in.html The fix was to run: "~#ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id off"
I have the same problem, but in the ESXi con't find /ipmitool command