Check Hypervisor Password from CVM | Nutanix Community
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Hi ,

I have run below command to show my hypervisor password from one of the CVM , but the password doesn't come out , anyone can help ?

Command : zeus_config_printer 2> /dev/null | grep "hypervisor {" -A 3


nutanix@NTNX-14SM36060045-A-CVM:$ zeus_config_printer 2> /dev/null | grep "hypervisor {" -A 3 hypervisor { address_list: "" username: "root" }-- hypervisor { address_list: "" username: "root" }-- hypervisor { address_list: "" username: "root" }

Apart of it , can anyone share where is the password configuration Hypervisor and CVM store in nutanix system? (from book it said store in ZEUS , but i don't know exactly the path location )

Thank. ;)


zacklee89, the reason you are not seeing the password is because the CVMs have recently switched to using SSH keys to access the hypervisor. We've also hidden the password so that it is not displayed when you print the zeus config. The command you've used is no longer in the upgrade guide as of NOS
My pleasure :)Sylvain.
Hi dude,

Once again , thank for your explanation. 😃

Zeus is the Nutanix name for their wrapper around Apache Zookeeper.

You will not find a specific "file" with the password in it.

As far as I can tell, the passwords are stored encrypted in the znode "/appliance/physical/configuration".

You can change them by using ncli:$ ncli managementserver edit name=host_name password='host_password'$ ncli host edit id=host_id hypervisor-password='host_password'

Note: the host id can be retrived from the command below, and the host name is the "Hypervizor Key":

$ ncli host list

I think it's wise not to display the passwords as plain text, as it would be a security nightmare if you were able to easiliy retrive them by simply listing all the cluster configuration.
