Removal of AHV Crash dump file | Nutanix Community
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Hi all,

A newbie question.

It seems I still have an old crash dump directory on one of my AHV hosts. A ls -lahtr /var/crash shows the single directory from back in April. At the time the issue was resolved, and the faulty DIMM that was causing the issue was replaced. That said, clearly the dump file was not removed.

In terms of cleaning this up, is it OK to delete the dump directory within the /var/crash directory and then rerun the ncc health check. Or is there a better method for clearing crash dumps from Nutanix clusters.

Many thanks,


Hi Nashma,

Thanks for the response. Cleared the crash file and the NCC check now passes.


Hi @roadstone

It is not recommended to remove these crash files if they are not older than 3 months! That said, if you have received the analysis for the issue and wish to clear files, you can clear them as normal files. Make sure you don’t delete the /var/crash directory. Yes, run a complete NCC checks post clearing these.