I would like to seek your assistance with regards to the capacity planning for Nutanix. Our prism cluster is not license so we can’t use the built in capacity planning tool. Is there any other way where i can get the historical value of CPU, memory and disk per AHV cluster?
I’m a little bit new in Nutnix so I’m still curving up my skills. TIA
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Hey, @jzm2delapaz one way to get the historical stats of a specific cluster is by using REST API v2 GET /clusters/{id}/stats.
You can specify the metrics you want to query and if start time and end time are included in the query string, then historical stats are retrieved for that cluster. Otherwise, the latest stats are retrieved.
You can try this API call out in the REST API Explorer.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Hi @jzm2delapaz
You can navigate to the Analysis tab in Prism Element and create metric charts of your choice. The historical data is there. It’s just that the Resource Planning feature would give you projections and more.
PE > Analysis > three metric charts lined up for the cluster scope