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Scan File System ( Analytics )

  • 12 April 2021
  • 3 replies


Would like to ask, What’s the use of this particular Windows in Settings “Scan File System” , I have noticed that Some of my Folders are marked as Completed but some of them are Marked as “Never Scanned”. What does this mean.. Thank you.. 

Hi CarloNX, thank you for your question, i have the same question…. a answer would be great. I am curious:thinking:

Hello @CarloNX 
Thank you for posting this question. Can you elaborate more about this Windows VM? and its relation with Nutanix. Is this hosted on Nutanix? is this a Nutanix specific question or you are looking for a windows specific answer.

Hello Chaitrali Deshpande,

In regards with your question, Kindly see below image , Those are the Folders i created in our Nutanix Files.

Best regards,
