Sizing Mine with Veeam | Nutanix Community
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Hi everybody,

i’m trying to Size a Mine appliance with Veeam (Workload: Mine (v2) with Veeam) leaving all default and with Nutanix Hardware and i get the error below:

No Optimal Solution found for following cluster(s) due to:


  • Model not supported for standalone backup mine

In order to generate an optimal solution, please try modifying the workload requirements and/or sizing options. You can also try switching the Sizer Policy profile or re-configuring the selected Sizer Policy profile.


If i try the same with HYCU it works as expected.

Any suggestion?

Thank you

You are welcome @UPX 

I did it thank you!
A little bit tricky but it works!

I tried without success but i did something wrong for sure.

i’ll give it another try thank you!

They had been removed, you can enable sales upgrade in the scenario and add the old models manually.

Ok and where can i find these models in Sizer? In the hardware list i cannot see any except for G8 models

Hello @UPX 

You can use NUS PRO dedicated NX nodes for Veeam v12 if you need to back up to NAS, or NUS STR if you need to back up to Objects.

The latest Mine nodes was G7.