
Latest Powershell CmdLets for 5.11

  • 23 August 2019
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +2
There appears to be an issue with the latest Powershell Cmdlets for Version 5.11 that reports itself as Version 5.1.1 (not 5.11) so there is a mismatch. This will bring up a Warning dialogue box asking you if you want to continue with this mismatch (Cluster Version 5.11 and CmdLets Version 5.1.1).
This can affect any Powershell Automation Scripts you have running that will be waiting for user intervention! You can change the Nutanix Connection method to Force the Connection using the following syntax:

Connect-NTNXCluster -Server "Your server here" -UserName "Your user" -Password "Your password" -AcceptInvalidSSLCerts -ForcedConnection

Note: It is the ForcedConnection that enables the bypass of the mismatch for your scripts.

Hopefully they will update the Version with the next iteration of the Cmdlets without the apparent typo of 5.1.1 instead of 5.11.

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Kind Regards

Andy @andymlloyd

Best answer by danny_sre 20 November 2019, 23:47

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Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hi @andymlloyd,


Thank you for identifying the work around there and have ran into the message myself. As you mentioned we will monitor for the next update to report if the issue is resolved. 


