MOVE not allowing the VM to move Container Mount Error - ESXi to AHV | Nutanix Community
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I attempted several times to move a test VM over and I am running into a issue with the Mount Container process. Is there a fix for this. I suspect it to be an Firewall issue, Any help would be appreciated.

Failed VM Migration: prepare target: [[Location="/hermes/go/src/tgtagent/ahvtargetprovider.go:567", Msg="Error creating target path [Container="default-container-90861820611740", Err="exit status 32", Location="/hermes/go/src/libcloud/prism/ahvmountimpl.go:146"] Container mount failed (error=0x4012)"] Target agent error (error=0x4003)]

That’s not all of it but what I think you may find useful. I strongly suggest to work out the access with Networking security team as documentation is updated regularly and the below is only a snapshot of it as of now.

Error adding Source

  • Verify your vCenter Server credentials are correct.
  • Verify vCenter Server name is DNS resolvable to IP Address or IP Address can be pinged from Xtract Appliance VM.
  • If your ESXi hosts are registered in vCenter with hostnames instead of IP addresses, verify that the hostnames of these ESXi hosts are resolvable from the Xtract Appliance VM.
  • Verify service account used has admin privileges in vCenter.

Error Adding Target

  • Verify that you are using AHV Cluster IP Address or FQDN.
  • Verify your AHV Cluster credentials are correct.
  • Verify AHV Cluster name is DNS resolvable to IP Address or IP Address can be pinged from Xtract Appliance VM.
  • Verify service account used has admin privileges.

Debug Stats

Xtract is comprised of multiple internal services for reading, writing data, and coordination. Each service exposes stats via REST/HTTP to localhost. Stats are also available in support bundle for offline analysis.

#Query stats from disk reader,radmin@xtract-for-vms ~]$ curl localhost:2003/debug/vars# disk writer, ,admin@xtract-for-vms ~]$ curl localhost:2000/debug/vars# source agent tadmin@xtract-for-vms ~]$ curl localhost:8085/debug/vars#and target agent tadmin@xtract-for-vms ~]$ curl localhost:8086/debug/vars

Generate Diagnostics Logs Bundle

You can generate and download a support bundle that you can send to Nutanix Support for assistance.

Note: From the 1.1.3 release of Xtract for VMs, the support bundle includes the ping statistics of the source ESXi hosts and target AHV hosts.

  1. UI:

    Log on to the Xtract web console. Click the question mark on the top corner. Select Download Support Bundle. It might take a few moments to begin downloading.

  2. Console:

    Log on as root into the Xtract appliance VM and run the following: /opt/xtract-vm/scripts/ It generates a diagnostic bundle under /opt/xtrac-vm/supportdumps/scp over to an external host to share with Nutanix Engineering.

GUI issues

  • Source vCenter VM List empty when selecting VMs for migration. Make sure to wait for a few minutes for Xtract appliance to build inventory database and click the Refresh link.
  • If browser refresh (F5) is done, and if the GUI loads with no data, point your browser to https://ip-address and login again.
  • In case the GUI shows an error message without any details, it’s good to capture Support Bundle as logs containing additional error information.

List of Network Ports needed for VMs

  • Source:

    ESXi Host (NFC): Port 902 TCP and Port 443 TCP (from Xtract inbound to ESXi)

    vCenter Server: Port 443 TCP - From Xtract inbound to vCenter (or if running on different port. Make sure https://ip-address:port/sdk​ is accessible from Xtract Appliance).
  • Target:

    NFS traffic (From all CVMs to Xtract Appliance) - Xtract temporarily adds itself to Container Whitelist. Prism REST API access https://cluster-ip:9440

I can access this link Nutanix Move Migration ESXi to AHV Not able to access the link on that page it’s blocked by our CORP Firewall. Can you add the contents of it here? Xtract Troubleshooting Guide (Support Portal Account Required).

Is thread helpful? Nutanix Move Migration ESXi to AHV


Yes. This is is server 2016 VM that has the current vTools installed. The VM does have local VMDKs and and an 2nd iSCSi drive attached to it. I have several locations that all have the same Move VM setup with no issues. I suspect that it maybe a firewall issue. I even refreshed the Hypervisors and re-did the Migration plan.

Is the Move appliance whitelisted for this container?