What is the recommended snapshot age in Nutanix?
How many days should you keep the snapshot?
What is the recommended snapshot age in Nutanix?
How many days should you keep the snapshot?
Is there an expiration date?
You can set how long you want to keep them when you setup your protection domains/policies. You can keep X number of hourly, Y number of daily, Z number of weekly and setup your strategy that way
Is there an expiration date?
But there is a NCC that will check how long the chain is. (max 35 snapshots). https://portal.nutanix.com/page/documents/kbs/details?targetId=kA0600000008fWbCAI
Is there an expiration date?
It’s less about the recommendation from the Nutanix perspective as it is what you need from a business perspective. Nutanix can keep a snapshot as long as you like with how it does snapshots it doesn’t impact performance. Question is how far back do you want/need to be able to go back and at what point is the data no longer valid if restored.
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